Yes yes, I know it shouldn't take me 5 mins to search google to figure out how to re-run a sendmail queue, but these things slip your mind sometimes...especially when you have 6 people, including a manager and a director, looking over your shoulder waiting for the mail to 'start flowing'!
This is just a quick and dirty list of the commands that are specific to the things I deal with on a day-to-day basis. I won't go into much detail, so if you'd like more information: stop being so lazy and google it yourself!
'mailq' - List locally-queued mail
'mailq -Ac' - List sent, but undelivered, mail
'/usr/sbin/sendmail -v -q -d3.30' - Show current load in relation to settings
'/usr/sbin/sendmail -qR /path/to/queue' - Force a mail queue run immediately
'tail /var/log/maillog' - Show output of mail log
'smbpasswd -a
'smbpasswd -d/-e
'smbpasswd -n
'lpstat -t' - Show every printer, including queue
'/usr/bin/enable or disable' - Enable or disable printer, use the ABSOLUTE path
'lp -i
'lprm -P
'lpadmin -P
'netstat -an' - Show all listening ports
'lsof -Pnl +M -i4' - Show files/daemons listening on specific ports/protocols
'w | wc' - List # of currently logged-on users
'chage -l
I'll be updating this post with things that I think may be helpful to others...Personally, I didn't even know about the sendmail command for showing the settings vs. the current load...I found it on a sendmail development project blog from about 8 years never know!